You can still achieve your Higher School Certificate (HSC) or Year 10
Record of Student Achievement (RoSA) by studying online through
Warakirri College’s free distance education program.
Warakirri College is for students aged 15–22 who have
disconnected from mainstream education or don’t feel comfortable
in a traditional school. Students can be referred from their current
school, case worker or they can apply directly to the college.
Warakirri’s distance education program offers students flexible
learning pathways, with course content and educational support
provided by qualified teachers through online learning platforms.
We prioritise student wellbeing, so in this program, each student
has access to a dedicated social worker who visits their home and
provides them—and their families—with individualised support.
We also provide Learning Hub days throughout the year, where
students participate in an excursion or learning activities aligned with
the curriculum. These Learning Hub days provide opportunities for
students to build relationships with other students and grow their
personal and social skills that usually develop through the classroom
Together, our experienced team delivers personalised assistance to
students, helping them achieve their educational goals and prepare
for further education and/or transitioning into the workforce once
they complete their studies.
Warakirri also offers accredited curriculum with the option for
students to receive an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) if
they wish.
Warakirri College is registered with the NSW Educational Standards
Authority to prepare students for their Year 10 Record of School
Achievement (ROSA) or the HSC. Founded by MTC Australia,
Warakirri College is a registered charity which receives financial
support from State and Commonwealth Governments, so students
do not pay fees.
To learn more about Warakirri College’s distance
education and to enrol, please phone (02) 9914
3250 or email [email protected].
Please note that places are limited, so reach out to
our team today!
Level 2, 138 Queen Street,
Campbelltown NSW 2560
Level 1, 3 Hamilton Rd,
Fairfield NSW 2165
6A Watsford Road,
Campbelltown NSW 2560
7 Sunnyholt Rd,
Blacktown NSW 2148